Rugby World Cup
Japan vs Chile

  • Time Sun, Sep 10, 2023, 11:00 AM
  • Location Stadium de Toulouse
  • Referee Nic Berry
  • Dearns78'
  • Nakamura70'
  • Leitch52'
  • Fakatava40'
  • Naikabula29'
  • Fakatava7'
  • Escobar47'
  • Fernandez5'
  • Matsuda80'
  • Matsuda72'
  • Matsuda53'
  • Matsuda41'
  • Matsuda30'
  • Matsuda9'
  • Videla6'
20Defenders Beaten27
7Clean Breaks7
17Turnovers Conceded16
27Missed Tackles20
9Turnovers Won8
25Kicks in Play19
N/APenalty GoalsN/A
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
0Charged Down2
696Kick From Hand Metres417
13In Touch11
9Opponent Collection6
18Possession Lost12
6Possession Retained5
65Rucks Won98
4Rucks Lost5
94%Rucks Success Rate95%
4Mauls Won5
Set Plays
13Lineouts Won12
1Lineouts Lost5
92%Lineouts Success Rate70%
11Scrums Won4
1Scrums Lost0
91%Scrums Success Rate100%
44%First Half56%
44%Second Half56%
47%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins53%
6Penalties Conceded9
0Red Cards0
1Yellow Cards2
2Penalty Conceded Own Half7
Keita Inagaki
1Keita Inagaki
Javier Carrasco
1Javier Carrasco
Atsushi Sakate
2Atsushi Sakate
Diego Escobar
2Diego Escobar
Jiwon Gu
3Jiwon Gu
Matias Dittus
3Matias Dittus
Amanaki Saumaki
4Amanaki Saumaki
Clemente Saavedra
4Clemente Saavedra
Amato Fakatava
5Amato Fakatava
Javier Eissmann
5Javier Eissmann
Michael Leitch
6Michael Leitch
Martin Sigren
6Martin Sigren (C)
Kanji Shimokawa
7Kanji Shimokawa
Raimundo Martinez
7Raimundo Martinez
Jack Cornelsen
8Jack Cornelsen
Alfonso Escobar
8Alfonso Escobar
Yutaka Nagare
9Yutaka Nagare (C)
Marcelo Torrealba
9Marcelo Torrealba
Rikiya Matsuda
10Rikiya Matsuda
Rodrigo Fernandez
10Rodrigo Fernandez
Jone Naikabula
11Jone Naikabula
Franco Velarde
11Franco Velarde
Ryoto Nakamura
12Ryoto Nakamura
Matias Garafulic
12Matias Garafulic
Dylan Riley
13Dylan Riley
Domingo Saavedra
13Domingo Saavedra
Kotaro Matsushima
14Kotaro Matsushima
Santiago Videla
14Santiago Videla
Semisi Masirewa
15Semisi Masirewa
Inaki Ayarza
15Inaki Ayarza
Shota Horie
16Shota Horie
Augusto Bohme
16Augusto Bohme
Craig Millar
17Craig Millar
Salvador Lues
17Salvador Lues
Asaeli Ai Valu
18Asaeli Ai Valu
Inaki Gurruchaga
18Inaki Gurruchaga
Warner Dearns
19Warner Dearns
Pablo Huete
19Pablo Huete
Shota Fukui
20Shota Fukui
Santiago Pedrero
20Santiago Pedrero
Naoto Saito
21Naoto Saito
Ignacio Silva
21Ignacio Silva
Tomoki Osada
22Tomoki Osada
Lukas Carvallo
22Lukas Carvallo
Lomano Lemeki
23Lomano Lemeki
Jose Ignacio Larenas
23Jose Ignacio Larenas
Jamie Joseph
Pablo Lemoine
80End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
80Conversion - KickedRikiya Matsuda converts the try.
78Try - Close rangeJapan are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Warner Dearns picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
72Conversion - KickedRikiya Matsuda has kicked a conversion.
70Try - Close rangeRyoto Nakamura scores the try from close range.
70Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Ryoto Nakamura took full advantage.
70Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Naoto Saito.
67Substitution onChile make a substitution with Inaki Gurruchaga coming on.
67Substitution offChile make a substitution with Matias Dittus coming off.
64Substitution onChile sub Pablo Huete comes onto the field.
64Substitution offClemente Saavedra departs for Chile.
62Substitution onJapan sub Tomoki Osada comes onto the field.
62Substitution offJone Naikabula departs for Japan.
60Substitution onChile sub Lukas Carvallo comes onto the field.
60Substitution offInaki Ayarza departs for Chile.
60Substitution onJapan sub Naoto Saito comes onto the field.
60Substitution offYutaka Nagare departs for Japan.
60Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Inaki Ayarza goes through the gap.
57Substitution onIgnacio Silva comes on for Chile.
57Substitution offRaimundo Martinez leaves the field.
57Substitution onAugusto Bohme comes on for Chile.
57Substitution offDiego Escobar leaves the field.
57Substitution onCraig Millar comes on for Japan.
57Substitution offKeita Inagaki leaves the field.
55Substitution onLomano Lemeki comes on for Japan.
55Substitution offSemisi Masirewa leaves the field.
55Substitution onJose Ignacio Larenas comes on for Chile.
55Substitution offFranco Velarde leaves the field.
55Substitution onSantiago Pedrero comes on for Chile.
55Substitution offJavier Eissmann leaves the field.
54Substitution onWarner Dearns comes on.
54Substitution offAmanaki Saumaki comes off.
54Substitution onSalvador Lues comes on.
54Substitution offJavier Carrasco comes off.
53Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Rikiya Matsuda kicks the conversion.
52Try - Close rangeNothing was going to stop Michael Leitch from scoring as they record the try for Japan.
52Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Yutaka Nagare.
51Clean BreakWhat a run here by Ryoto Nakamura as they get over the gainline!
49Substitution onJapan decide to make a substitution, with Shota Fukui getting some game time.
49Substitution offJapan decide to make a substitution, with Kanji Shimokawa being replaced.
49Substitution onJapan decide to make a substitution, with Shota Horie getting some game time.
49Substitution offJapan decide to make a substitution, with Atsushi Sakate being replaced.
49Conversion - Missed RightSantiago Videla has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
47Try - Close rangeThe defence are desperately trying to hold out here but it was to no avail as Alfonso Escobar dots the ball down from close range.
45Clean BreakClemente Saavedra makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
45Yellow cardDylan Riley (Japan) is shown a yellow card
44Clean BreakKotaro Matsushima makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
42Clean BreakMarcelo Torrealba makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
41Clean BreakFabulous play by Japan has led to Semisi Masirewa being able to wriggle through a gap.
40Substitution onJapan make a substitution with Asaeli Ai Valu coming on.
40Substitution offJapan make a substitution with Jiwon Gu coming off.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
41End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
41Conversion - KickedRikiya Matsuda adds the two points for Japan.
40Try - Close rangeThe pick and go results in a try for Japan as Amato Fakatava goes over.
40Clean BreakFabulous play by Japan has led to Amato Fakatava being able to wriggle through a gap.
36Yellow cardMartin Sigren (Chile) is shown a yellow card
34Substitution onFranco Velarde comes on for Chile.
34Substitution offInaki Gurruchaga leaves the field.
30Conversion - KickedRikiya Matsuda does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
29Try - Close rangeThe pressure has finally told as Jone Naikabula scores from close range.
29Try AssistSpellbinding play by Yutaka Nagare is finished off with a try.
28Substitution onInaki Gurruchaga comes on.
28Substitution offFranco Velarde comes off.
23Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Semisi Masirewa bursts through to advance the Japan attack.
23Yellow cardMatias Dittus (Chile) is shown a yellow card
13Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Santiago Videla took full advantage.
13Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Matias Garafulic took full advantage.
10Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Domingo Saavedra took full advantage.
9Conversion - KickedRikiya Matsuda has kicked a conversion.
7Try - Individual effortA stunning solo try from Amato Fakatava
7Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Amato Fakatava goes through the gap.
7Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Yutaka Nagare.
6Conversion - KickedSantiago Videla has kicked a conversion.
5Try - From kickThe kick through from Chile has allowed Rodrigo Fernandez to touch down.
5Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Inaki Ayarza goes through the gap.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.