Rugby World Cup
Wallabies vs Portugal

  • Time Sun, Oct 1, 2023, 3:45 PM
  • Location Stade Geoffroy-Guichard
  • Referee Nika Amashukeli
  • Koroibete73'
  • McReight46'
  • Bell25'
  • Porecki21'
  • Arnold18'
  • Simoes69'
  • Bettencourt11'
  • Donaldson26'
  • Donaldson23'
  • Donaldson19'
  • Marques70'
  • Marques12'
  • Donaldson3'
Penalty Goals
    18Defenders Beaten29
    6Clean Breaks10
    10Turnovers Conceded18
    29Missed Tackles18
    8Turnovers Won6
    29Kicks in Play24
    1/2Penalty GoalsN/A
    N/ADrop GoalsN/A
    0Charged Down0
    1180Kick From Hand Metres751
    12In Touch13
    18Opponent Collection18
    26Possession Lost22
    3Possession Retained1
    69Rucks Won88
    1Rucks Lost1
    98%Rucks Success Rate98%
    3Mauls Won4
    Set Plays
    10Lineouts Won15
    3Lineouts Lost2
    76%Lineouts Success Rate88%
    5Scrums Won6
    2Scrums Lost1
    71%Scrums Success Rate85%
    52%First Half48%
    37%Second Half63%
    31%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins69%
    11Penalties Conceded7
    0Red Cards0
    2Yellow Cards1
    7Penalty Conceded Own Half5
    Angus Bell
    1Angus Bell
    David Costa
    1David Costa
    Dave Porecki
    2Dave Porecki (C)
    Mike Tadjer
    2Mike Tadjer
    James Slipper
    3James Slipper
    Diogo Hasse Ferreira
    3Diogo Hasse Ferreira
    Nick Frost
    4Nick Frost
    Jose Madeira
    4Jose Madeira
    Richie Arnold
    5Richie Arnold
    Martim Belo
    5Martim Belo
    Tom Hooper
    6Tom Hooper
    David Wallis de Carvalho
    6David Wallis de Carvalho
    Fraser McReight
    7Fraser McReight
    Nicolas Martins
    7Nicolas Martins
    Rob Valetini
    8Rob Valetini
    Thibault de Freitas
    8Thibault de Freitas
    Tate McDermott
    9Tate McDermott
    Samuel Marques
    9Samuel Marques
    Ben Donaldson
    10Ben Donaldson
    Jeronimo Portela
    10Jeronimo Portela
    Marika Koroibete
    11Marika Koroibete
    Rodrigo Marta
    11Rodrigo Marta
    Lalakai Foketi
    12Lalakai Foketi
    Tomas Appleton
    12Tomas Appleton (C)
    Izaia Perese
    13Izaia Perese
    Pedro Bettencourt
    13Pedro Bettencourt
    Mark Nawaqanitawase
    14Mark Nawaqanitawase
    Raffaele Storti
    14Raffaele Storti
    Andrew Kellaway
    15Andrew Kellaway
    Nuno Sousa Guedes
    15Nuno Sousa Guedes
    Matt Faessler
    16Matt Faessler
    Francisco Fernandes
    16Francisco Fernandes
    Blake Schoupp
    17Blake Schoupp
    Duarte Diniz
    17Duarte Diniz
    Pone Fa'amausili
    18Pone Fa'amausili
    Francisco Bruno
    18Francisco Bruno
    Rob Leota
    19Rob Leota
    Steevy Cerqueira
    19Steevy Cerqueira
    Josh Kemeny
    20Josh Kemeny
    Rafael Simoes
    20Rafael Simoes
    Issak Fines-Leleiwasa
    21Issak Fines-Leleiwasa
    Joao Belo
    21Joao Belo
    Samu Kerevi
    22Samu Kerevi
    Joris Moura
    22Joris Moura
    Suliasi Vunivalu
    23Suliasi Vunivalu
    Manuel Cardoso Pinto
    23Manuel Cardoso Pinto
    Joe Schmidt
    Daniel Hourcade
    84End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    83Clean BreakTrouble here as Manuel Cardoso Pinto breaches the defence.
    83Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Pedro Bettencourt bursts through to advance the Portugal attack.
    77Substitution onJosh Kemeny comes on.
    77Substitution offRichie Arnold comes off.
    75Substitution onJoris Moura comes on.
    75Substitution offJeronimo Portela comes off.
    75Substitution onJames Slipper comes on.
    75Substitution offPone Fa'amausili comes off.
    75Substitution onBlake Schoupp comes on.
    75Substitution offAngus Bell comes off.
    75Conversion - Missed LeftAustralia go for goal with Ben Donaldson taking the conversion but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
    73Try - Close rangeMarika Koroibete scores the try from close range.
    73Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Samu Kerevi took full advantage.
    70Substitution onAustralia decide to make a substitution, with Fraser McReight getting some game time.
    70Substitution offAustralia decide to make a substitution, with Dave Porecki being replaced.
    70Substitution onAustralia decide to make a substitution, with Suliasi Vunivalu getting some game time.
    70Substitution offAustralia decide to make a substitution, with Andrew Kellaway being replaced.
    70Substitution onAustralia decide to make a substitution, with Issak Fines-Leleiwasa getting some game time.
    70Substitution offAustralia decide to make a substitution, with Tate McDermott being replaced.
    70Substitution onPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Francisco Bruno getting some game time.
    70Substitution offPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Diogo Hasse Ferreira being replaced.
    70Substitution onPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Duarte Diniz getting some game time.
    70Substitution offPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Mike Tadjer being replaced.
    70Substitution onPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Joao Belo getting some game time.
    70Substitution offPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Samuel Marques being replaced.
    70Conversion - KickedSamuel Marques has kicked a conversion.
    69Try - Close rangeRafael Simoes scores the try from close range.
    65Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Pedro Bettencourt goes through the gap.
    63Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Rodrigo Marta goes through the gap.
    60Yellow cardSamu Kerevi (Australia) is shown a yellow card
    60Substitution onAustralia sub Dave Porecki comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offFraser McReight departs for Australia.
    58Yellow cardMatt Faessler (Australia) is shown a yellow card
    55Substitution onSamu Kerevi comes on for Australia.
    55Substitution offIzaia Perese leaves the field.
    55Substitution onMatt Faessler comes on for Australia.
    55Substitution offDave Porecki leaves the field.
    55Substitution onManuel Cardoso Pinto comes on for Portugal.
    55Substitution offRaffaele Storti leaves the field.
    54Substitution onFrancisco Fernandes comes on.
    54Substitution offDavid Costa comes off.
    53Clean BreakWhat a run here by Nicolas Martins as they get over the gainline!
    48Substitution onPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Steevy Cerqueira getting some game time.
    48Substitution offPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Martim Belo being replaced.
    48Conversion - Hit Right PostThe right post denies Ben Donaldson from adding the extras.
    46Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by Australia leads to a try for Fraser McReight.
    46Clean BreakFraser McReight makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    46Try AssistSpellbinding play by Mark Nawaqanitawase is finished off with a try.
    46Substitution onAustralia decide to make a substitution, with Pone Fa'amausili getting some game time.
    46Substitution offAustralia decide to make a substitution, with James Slipper being replaced.
    42Clean BreakRaffaele Storti makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    40Substitution onAustralia make a substitution with Rob Leota coming on.
    40Substitution offAustralia make a substitution with Nick Frost coming off.
    40Substitution onPortugal make a substitution with Rafael Simoes coming on.
    40Substitution offPortugal make a substitution with Thibault de Freitas coming off.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    35Clean BreakFabulous play by Portugal has led to Rodrigo Marta being able to wriggle through a gap.
    32Substitution onRob Valetini comes on for Australia.
    32Substitution offRob Leota leaves the field.
    30Clean BreakTrouble here as Izaia Perese breaches the defence.
    26Conversion - KickedBen Donaldson makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    25Try - Close rangeThe pressure has finally told as Angus Bell scores from close range.
    25Try AssistTate McDermott played a key part in that try.
    24Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Lalakai Foketi bursts through to advance the Australia attack.
    23Conversion - KickedBen Donaldson makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    22Substitution onAustralia decide to make a substitution, with Rob Leota getting some game time.
    22Substitution offAustralia decide to make a substitution, with Rob Valetini being replaced.
    21Try - Rolling maulGreat forward play by Australia allows Dave Porecki to score the try.
    19Conversion - KickedBen Donaldson converts the try.
    18Try - Passing MoveA wonderful passing move by Australia is finished off by Richie Arnold
    18Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Richie Arnold bursts through to advance the Australia attack.
    18Try AssistRob Valetini sets up the try.
    15Penalty Goal - Missed LeftThe touch judges have waved away the attempt by Ben Donaldson as they hook it left.
    14Yellow cardPedro Bettencourt (Portugal) is shown a yellow card
    12Conversion - KickedSamuel Marques converts the try.
    11Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Portugal results in a try for Pedro Bettencourt
    11Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Pedro Bettencourt took full advantage.
    11Try AssistTomas Appleton played a key part in that try.
    9Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Nicolas Martins took full advantage.
    5Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Nuno Sousa Guedes goes through the gap.
    3Penalty Goal - KickedBen Donaldson has kicked a penalty goal.
    0Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Andrew Kellaway goes through the gap.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.